Can you help? Please email me a scan of the following if you have them.
Chip Martin
"The Community Communications Story"-February 1962
"Television in the Classroom"-June 1962
"Telephones of Tomorrow part 1"-October 1962
"Telephones of Tomorrow part 2-November 1962
Boys Life Ads
Instruments for the Music of South America-(half page)-December 1960
Merit Badges Pave the Way for Space Pioneers-(half page)-December 1960
Flag Talk-(full page)-October 1961
Knots-(full page)-October 1961
Winter Safety Post-(full page)-December 1961
Armor for Knights of Yore-(full page)-December 1961
"Scouts in Action"-(full page)-January 1962 (for Alfred Stenzel)
Blue and Gold Banquet-(half page)-January 1962
Fish Prints-(half page)-April 1962
"Scouts in Action"-(full page)-April 1962(for Alfred Stenzel)
Bike Safety-(full page)-May 1962
Safe Swim Kit-(full page)-June 1962
Knife and Axemanship-(full page)-May 1962
Money Makers-(half page)-July 1962
Wild West Stunts and Games-(full page)-July 1962
Fun with Science-(full pg)-August 1962
"Scouts in Action"-(full page)-September 1962 (for Alfred Stenzel)
Make a Suit of Buckskin-(half page)-October 1962
Christmas Cheer-(full page)-November 1962
Your Uniform-(full page)-January 1963
Fire/Cooking/Clothes-(1 page total)-January 1963
Fasten that (seat) Belt!-(half page)-date unknown